Performance Schedule 2007!

Therefore, in addition to my regular presentations, I will also lead several workshops and retreats designed to engage folks in exploring and sharing their stories. I've said it before, there is a mysterious power in telling our stories.
January will bring me to Chicago the weekend of January 12th for the Quake that Rocked the Mid-West, a Quaker high school retreat. (As of yet, I have nothing planned for the evening of Sunday, January 14. If you know of a group, gay church, etc who might be interested in having me do a talk or something that night in the Chicago area, let me know as it is still open.)
January 18-31 I will be in Portland area. The first weekend I will help lead a retreat for the Anawim Community, a gay male Christian group. Then I will do a series of talks, performances, and more throughout the week of January 21 including Quaker meetings, universities, gay churches, drag bars, and more in the works. The schedule is filling up fast. I will post the calendar once I know it.
Mid-February will bring me to Greensboro, NC for the Friends of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Queer Concerns' (FLGBTQC) annual mid-winter gathering. I will also perform at Guildford College. Also, on February 25th, I will present at Chelsea Church in NYC for their Sunday service.

March will enable me to perform closer to home in Hartford on the 10th and Syracuse University on the 1st. I will also be very active at the True Colors Conference in New Britain, CT March 23,24 (where you will also see Elliot lead a workshop--go Elliot!)
April brings me to Earlham College in Indiana from the 2nd through the 4th. I then head back to North Carolina--details TBA. Towards the end of the month, I will co-lead a Queer Quaker retreat at Woolman Hill in Western Massachusetts (27th-29th).
May will bring me back to Europe for a month of presentations in England, Scotland and Sweden. This trip is still pretty open, so if you have a group who might be interested in doing something, let me know as we pull it together.
There are lots more presentations in the works plus some exciting radio projects and more. Will keep you posted.
Yeah, you're coming here!! Just out of curiosity, are you scheduled to performe on IDAHO may 17th? (No, not the potato-State, the International Day Against HOmophobia)... ooh May couldn't feel further away ... I wish I had a time-turner now.
Oh and the pictures ... you are so ... well .. you know .. hansom :)
Shall I plug you to our (new) local meeting?
BTW - Southampton meeting would love to have you back.
Next time you're in this side of the Atlantic, we should meet up.
Doh, silly me I meant "on" this side of the Atlantic" - I hope you're not in the Atlantic, especially not in this weather...brrrr!
Where are you going to be in Hartford on the 10th?
I will be helping out again at True Colors as the Presenter’s Liaison, so if you or Elliott need anything see me.
Anna, my plans in Sweden are completely up in the air. A lot depends on who wants me where. There is talk about something in Stockholm and Umeå. (and about the know...thank you ;-)
CA, totally plug away. These tours are funny in how they come together. Someone books the first performance and I build from there. Still on your side of the Atlantic, although with the rain we have today in Scotland, it does feel as if I am IN the Atlantic or at least a loch.
Diana, will definitely lean on you during TC. You are a godsend there. On the 10th I will be at the Unitarian Church near U of Hartford in the evening. I think 7pm. It will be posted soonish.
abbyladybug, indeed! And then again in June but I have not announced it yet.
Awww, Peterson! Cute pics!
I hope this year is amazing for you :)
Done m'dear!
I've contacted the Quaker chaplain at uni to see if they might be interested and I'll talk to people our meeting on Sunday :)
Oh well if you want I could ask around if you're wanted in Malmö haha or I will just have to get my skinny ass to Stockholm or where ever you´ll be. And ... you know .. you're welcome ;)
So when are you coming to Tampa??!.......
-- Tom D.
Thanks for listing your Indiana dates! I look forward to it and am bringing friends and family. woo-hoo! Carol
I already emailed you about a possibility in Reading, if you're interested I will approach the venue concerned.
Yes, do come to True Colors if at all possible. :D Come support your buddy Peterson (and little ol' me ;)
I agree, great pictures. Hope it's a good year for you.
Tom, well, I would LOVE to come to Tampa. Wanna be my local contact and performance organizer? Surely in the few short months you have been there, you have LOADS of contacts.
About the photos...the one on the stool was taken back in 2004 when I was still just starting out. I was quite comfortable performing in front of a crowd, but actually very anxious when I had to speak during the Q&A session. Even in this picture I see the discomfort in my face.
The other was taken when I performed for Quaker youth in New England a year later. I felt so much more comfortable to stand up and answer questions then. My dear Friend, Tom, took this photo.
I know a teeny weeny Quaker meeting (about 20 people there each week), and a UU church which isn't much larger. There's another UU church I want to check out, but, so far, no prospects for venues for you.
In any case, I'll see you at Midwinter Gathering!
-- Tom D.
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